The Austrian Championship in Kitzbühl was once more an amazing event. The competitor field was huge with all the top Boulderers from Austria, except from Anna Stöhr and Jakob Schubert who competed in the Boulder-Worldcup in China.
The qualification went well for me, even if i am not a great fan of the "jam" modus. I was able to climb all blocs in slightly less attemps than Kathi Posch and qualified 1st for the finals. The final problems were great, really nice to climb but unfortunally they were a bit too easy. Katha Saurwein (1st) was the only girl in the final which flashed all 4 problems. Kathi (2nd), me (3rd) and Babsy (4th) had a tied race and climed all the 4 final problems in 5 goes.
By the guys the final was dominated by Kilian Fischhuber (1st) who flashed 3 of the final blocs. The race was a bit tieder between Christian Feistmantel and Lukas Ennemoser with both flashing one problem, although Christan got one more bonus hold and therefore finished 2nd before Lu.