On the Weekend the last World Cup event was held in Munich. After Arco I especially tried to work on some weaknesses and already felt the improvement. In Munich I was confident but exited; because it was the last competition and I wanted to perform well. In the qualification round I flashed problem 1 which was not easy, but unfortunately problem 2 I misread the starting sequence and in my last attempt I got it right but on the top hold I run out of time and the top did not count anymore. The last 3 problem were too hard to make up my mistakes and therefore I was 1 problem to short to qualify for the semifinal and finished in a disappointing 22nd place. Resume´ from this year´s Worldcup season: lots of training, 7 competitions and only 3 semis (place 16th 2x and 19th), 4 times not qualified for the semifinal (22, 25, 27, 30), overall worldcup ranking position 21st,1 injury (from Sheffield) and a lot of traveling. What to improve for next year: miss out on the comps in America (jet lag, to stressful), train more awkward reachy moves (otherwise training seemed to worked for Stew, 6th overall!!), and try not to think too much all the time (over psyched). However, in the meantime I am enjoying the rock and to get pumped, before I prepare myself for the European Championship mid September.