Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Training phase 2: GETTING STRONG

My 2nd training phase, involving a lot of metal, sweat and heavy loads is nearly over and I am well looking forward to start bouldering and going outside again.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

2 times Chrismas

This year I spent my first time Chrismas and New Year away from the mountains on an island. Fortunatley it had a lot off snow (very unusual), which made it much more Chrismas like for me. It was cool to experence a total different chrismas senario to the one I know, with differnt hapits and foods. The good thing is that in England they celabrate Chrismas on the 25th so i had 2 Chrismas days :-).
I enjoyed me time in England even when there was too much snow to go on the grite, we visited lots of differnet walls and met many friends. Now we are back home and are reseting our trainings wall with the Oetztal team to get ready for serious training...