On Thursday I went with the Austrian Team (SIS Babsy, Anna, Katha, Killi and Coach Heiko) to the Boulder Worldcup in Moscow. On Friday we had the qualification round. I climbed all five problems in 8 tries and finished 12th on the day. The rest of our team climbed also well and we all made it through to the semi. On Saturday morning the semi-final took place. Unfortunatly the girls problems were to easy and to get through to the final all 4 problems had to be flashed. I climbed all 4 blocs in 5 goes and finished 8th. Katha was the only girl from our team to get through to the final and won it. Kili also made it into the final and finished 2 and won the overall Worldcup. Anna come 7th on the day and won the overall Worldcup too. Babsy finished 13th and was pleased about doing all the blocs in unbelieveable 11 tries. Following these good results the rest of the saturday was used for teammatters (party, party) ......